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Автор: Л.А. Шевелєва. Видавництво “Світ дитинства”, Харків, 2000.
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In this fashion my partner Wesley Virgin's tale begins in this SHOCKING and controversial video.
ВідповістиВидалитиYou see, Wesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he found hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" tactics that the government and others used to get everything they want.
These are the EXACT same SECRETS tons of celebrities (notably those who "come out of nothing") and elite business people used to become wealthy and famous.
You probably know that you use less than 10% of your brain.
That's mostly because most of your brainpower is UNTAPPED.
Maybe that expression has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head around 7 years ago, while driving an unregistered, garbage bucket of a car without a driver's license and on his bank card.
"I'm very frustrated with going through life check to check! When will I finally make it?"
You've taken part in those types of conversations, isn't it so?
Your success story is waiting to start. You need to start believing in YOURSELF.
Learn How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Fast